Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Book Cover Photo Shoot with Michele

A few weeks ago we had a really cool opportunity to photograph some images that will be used for the cover of a book that is currently in the works. The book is going to be about the new energy economy entitled "Modern Energy Movement" written by Michele Ashby of Mine LLC. We got connected with Michele through Sarah Edgell of Edgellworks, Inc who will be designing the cover for the book. We had a great time getting to meet both of them and photographing Michele for the cover. This was something brand new for us and we can't wait to see which image makes the cover once it is published and released. We thought we'd take a few different directions with the images. Rather than the typical "green" cliche photo Sarah & Michele wanted to do something that still will push the reader in that direction without it being a typical photograph since Michele is not typical either. Michele is a very inspirational person- among other accomplishments she has traveled around the world, started her own company, and is the founder of Dani's Foundation in memory of her daughter. It was an absolute pleasure getting to work with her and we wish her the best in the success of her book.

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