Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 7: 12 Days of Pictures- Favorite Wedding Moments of 2009

Day 7: On the 7th day of pictures my camera gave to me... sunset photos.

This category was a bit difficult for me because I have so many images that are my favorites. These three really stood out to me though because of how different each one turned out using the light at the end of the day.

This first one was from Angela & Robert's Wedding at the Buell Mansion. It was right after their ceremony and I saw the way the light was coming in and had to pull the two of them over for a few shots before we lost this awesome light. I shot directly into the sun which created more of a hazy glare blowing out the background but casting a warm glow over the two of them- love it!

This next one I took at Brandy & Bill's Wedding outside the Stanley Hotel. It was pretty much the exact same time of day as the photo above but I changed my angle a bit and stood Brandy & Bill close to each other to have the light glow behind them creating a completely different look. This set of photos turned out beautiful.

This last photo was taken back in July at Melissa & Adam's Wedding. They had a 7 pm ceremony so by the time we started photos with the two of them the sun had almost completely set except for an awesome orange glow remaining in the sky just as the last bit of light was vanishing. Zach Wear of Revert Imaging came along for this wedding and assisted me in setting up some off camera flash to get this image. I love the way these turned out with the orange sky as the backdrop.

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